1·My students quickly see that the simplest way parents can elicit cooperation from children is to wield power tools.
2·One can't wield Power without perfect mastery of circum - stance.
3·Because I wield power over others, I am at great risk of acting like an insensitive jerk - and not realizing it.
4·Congress was designed so that minorities can wield power well out of proportion to their number if they stick together.
5·Effectively she was buying into the idea that for a woman to wield power in what was historically a man's world, she had to pretty much dress like a man - but brighter!
6·But one thing is certain: they did not anticipate what they would do to their own lives when the free will to wield power deprived them of the lucid perspective to look at life.
7·To them, "a wide variety of forces has made it increasingly more difficult for any state to wield power over its people and address issues it once considered its sole prerogative."
8·Mom take charge of situation , various sugar-coated cannonball throw to you but you cannot dodge, defeated calculate you deserved it, who let you don't have a rich dad and a wield power mom.
9·Once the fighting stops, however, the personalities of those who wield power, and important differences over the wording of the country’s founding documents, will become much more compelling issues.
10·The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.
—— 《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》